Expertise in Gastrointestinal Microbiome
Dr. Chang has been on a 30 year journey to develop an effective product that prevents virulence from the gut microbiome, see the milestone publications highlighted below. To see all of Dr. Chang’s publications (250+ in high impact journals), visit
Worldwide Based on 36,735 published articles worldwide on Gastrointestinal Microbiome published since 2013 Eugene B Chang equates to one of the top-rated experts in Gastrointestinal Microbiome.
Early-Life Microbial Restitution Reduces Colitis Risk Promoted by Antibiotic-Induced Gut Dysbiosis in Interleukin 10-/- Mice.
Evidence suggests that pathogens originating from the gut microbiota can cause postoperative infection via a process by which they silently travel inside an immune cell and contaminate a remote operative site (Trojan Horse Hypothesis). Here, we hypothesize that Pi-PEG can prevent SSIs in a novel model of postoperative SSIs in mice.
Small Intestine Microbiota Regulate Host Digestive and Absorptive Adaptive Responses to Dietary Lipids
The Western diet, which is high in fat, is a modifiable risk factor for colorectal recurrence after curative resection. We investigated the mechanisms by which the Western diet promotes tumor recurrence, including changes in the microbiome, in mice that underwent colorectal resection.
Dietary-fat-induced taurocholic acid promotes pathobiont expansion and colitis in Il10-/- mice
The currently accepted assumption that most surgical site infections (SSIs) occurring after elective surgery under standard methods of antisepsis are due to an intraoperative contamination event, remains unproven. We examined the available evidence in which microbial cultures of surgical wounds were taken at the conclusion of an operation and determined that such studies provide more evidence to refute that an SSI is due to intraoperative contamination than support it.